Risk Management

When Senior Management seek to reduce risk, one of their first actions is to implement tools to protect data. COGO engages with its customers extensively to review risks from a more holistic approach.

Determining an organisation’s appetite for risk, policies on risk-taking and overarching strategies for managing risk are essential to discharging the board of director’s duty of care.

To remain on track with business objectives these risks must be accepted, transferred, avoided or mitigated. To avoid or mitigate some of these risks, the organisation will implement data security tools and use policies to guide their staff in critical areas. In fact policies and procedures are the single most important tool a Board has to shield its organisation from the vicarious liability arising from the results of its user’s actions. Once these policies have been approved, it is imperative to ensure all relevant personnel have seen, understood and agreed to abide by them.

The CoGo Agency provides consultancy and solutions to improve compliance and target specific security risks together with solutions to secure user, customer and third parties identities, company data and IP and to implement policies to manage those risks.  The solutions COGO provides give full reporting for audit and monitoring purposes.